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Servera izveide
Arturs897Date: Svētdiena, 27.12.2009, 14:39 | Message # 1
Group: Dzēstās

1. Install HLDS + cstrike server.
2. Installing metamod for connecting ext. mode.
3. Installing AMXx.
4. Installing Booster'a.
5. Setting the "Half-Life Fast HTTP Asset Downloading".
6. No-Won patch and lechilka Invallid CD-Key.
7. List of commands AMX

1. Installing CS 1.6 server

Let's start with HLDSUpdatetool
First of all, we need a little program from Valve - HLDSUpdatetool.

Download it, store in any temporary directory on the server (eg C: \ HLDSUpdatetool); run.

successfully install the program, go to the folder and HldsUpdateTool
HldsUpdateTool.exe run in order to update the program.

Download server
There is
Now is the time to jump of the game server. This
process is long and may take several minutes to several hours --
it all depends on the line connection to your ISP.
On Windows, click Start (Start), then Run ... (Run). In the pop-up window as follows:
C: \ hldsupdatetool \ hldsupdatetool.exe-command update-game cstrike-dir C: \ hlds
Instead of C: \ hldsupdatetool \ should specify the path to your hldsupdatetool.exe.
C: \ hlds should be changed to the path that corresponds to the folder where you want to install a dedicated server.

start the application server starts downloading CS 1.6. This process
may take some time to wait for the download.

Setting up the server.
To configure the server using the configuration file server.cfg, which is located in \ cstrike folder.

Here is an example server.cfg:

Quote: / / Set the Host Name
hostname "eXtrimal-Team" / / Server name.

/ / Set the rcon password
"password" / / password to manage the server through the client console.
That this function does not work, leave it blank -. "

/ / Server Logging
log on / / mode log
mp_logdetail 3 / / define the detail log
mp_logmessages 1 / / write the message

/ / Server Variables
cl_minmodels 0

mp_timelimit 30 / / Time, which attach to the card. (min)
mp_autokick 0
mp_autoteambalance 1 / / Auto-balance command.
mp_c4timer 35 / / timer on the bomb. (sec)
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_freezetime 2 / / Time after which the round starts. (sec)
mp_friendlyfire 1 / / enable falling on her.
mp_hostagepenalty 0
mp_limitteams 0
mp_tkpunish 0

mp_roundtime 2.5 / / Running round. (min)
mp_buytime 0.50 / / time for purchase. (sec)
mp_fadetoblack 0
mp_forcechasecam 0
mp_forcecamera 0
mp_kickpercent 100
mp_playerid 1
sv_airaccelerate 10
sv_airmove 1

sv_restartround 0
sv_maxspeed 320
sv_proxies 1
allow_spectators 3
mp_startmoney 800
mp_chattime 0
sv_allowupload 1
sv_voiceenable 1
sv_alltalk 0
sv_voicequality 4
sv_voicecodec voice_speex
pausable 0
decalfrequency 60
mp_falldamage 1

/ / Cheat and fun modes
sv_aim 0
sv_cheats 0

/ / Set Rates
sv_maxrate 25000
sv_spectatormaxspeed 500
sv_maxspeed 320
sv_maxupdaterate 101
sv_minrate 2500
sv_minupdaterate 20
decalfrequency 60
sys_ticrate 10000

/ / Enable / Disable LAN mode
sv_lan 1 \ 0 / / If you propachili server, this parameter is mandatory!

/ / Contact & Geo
sv_contact admin@adminsite.ru / / Your EMail address.
sv_region 3

/ / Exec files on startup
exec banned.cfg
exec listip.cfg

Done. The server is configured and ready to start.

Run the server CS 1.6
Run the server the following line:
-console + sv_lan 1-insecure-game cstrike-nomaster + maxplayers 21
+ map de_dust + port 27015 + ip + exec listip.cfg

Consider the details:
-console - the server starts in console mode.
-game cstrike - start mod CS. (actually for him and bemsya).
+ maxplayers 21 - the maximum number of players that the server will accept.
+ map de_dust - server load the map de_dust.
+ port 27015 - the port that the server will listen.
+ ip - then you need to write IP, which will be the server.

2. Installing metamod.

metamod an additional mode to connect to the server, such as AmX Mod X, StatsMe etc.
Download metamod possible here or from here www.metamod.org

Raspakrvyvaem from the archive into the directory \ cstrike \ addons \ metamod.
For Windows copy metamod.dll.
For linux, metamod_i386.so.

Open \ cstrike \ liblist.gam.

For windows ipravlyaem line

Quote: gamedll "dlls \ mp.dll"

Quote: gamedll "addons \ metamod \ metamod.dll"

For linux

Quote: gamedll_linux "dlls/cs_i386.so"


Quote: gamedll_linux "addons \ metamod \ metamod_i386.so"

Everything is ready for Subscription ext. mode.

3. Install AMXX.

AMXH download from official site http://amxmodx.org.

If you make automatic, all to itself, if it handles doing the following:
Unpack folder amxmodx and metamod in cstrike / addons /.
Go to the folder cstrike / addons / metamod / and open the file plugins.ini, it prescribes the line:
win32 addons / amxmodx / dlls / amxmodx_mm.dll
Then go to the folder csrtike / addons / amxmodx / configs
Open amxx.cfg

Quote: / / AMX Configuration File
echo Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File

/ / Access to all users by default (more levels in the file users.ini)
amx_default_access "z"

/ / Name setinfo, which will store your passwords
amx_password_field "_pw"

/ / Show admins actions
/ / 0 - do not show
/ / 1 - show without admin name
/ / 2 - show with name admin
amx_show_activity 2

/ / Frequency in seconds and text of the message server
amx_scrollmsg "Welcome to% hostname% - This server is using AMX Mod X" 600

/ / The frequency of sending messages of players in seconds
amx_flood_time 0.75

/ / The number of reserved slots
amx_reservation 0

/ / Should be 1 - You can hide the reserved slots
amx_hideslots 0

/ / Minimum time between two voutami seconds
amx_vote_delay 10

/ / Length of the vote
amx_vote_time 10

/ / Open vote
amx_vote_answers 1

/ / Can clients choose their own language
amx_client_languages 1
Save, close. Open modules.ini:
; ------------------------------

; ------------------------------------------------- ---
; Engine - provides engine functions core to Half-Life
; ------------------------------------------------- ---
; engine_amxx_i386.so
; engine_amxx_amd64.so

; ------------------------------------------------- ---------
; Fakemeta - provides a massive interface into the HL engine
; ------------------------------------------------- ---------
; fakemeta_amxx_i386.so
; fakemeta_amxx_amd64.so

; -------------------------------------------
; Database Access - only enable one of these
; -------------------------------------------
; mysql_amxx_i386.so
; mysql_amxx.dll
; mysql_amxx_amd64.so
; PostgreSQL
; pgsql_amxx_i386.so
; pgsql_amxx.dll
; Microsoft SQL
; mssql_amxx.dll
; SQLite
; sqlite_amxx.dll
; sqlite_amxx_i386.so
; sqlite_amxx_amd64.so

; ---------------------------------------------
; GeoIP - determines the country of ip adresses
; ---------------------------------------------
; geoip_amxx_i386.so
; geoip_amxx.dll
; geoip_amxx_amd64.so

; --------------------------------
; Sockets - network socket support
; --------------------------------
; sockets_amxx_i386.so
; sockets_amxx_amd64.so

; --------------------------
; Regular Expression support
; --------------------------
; regex_amxx_i386.so
; regex_amxx.dll
; regex_amxx_amd64.so

; --------------------
; Binary Vault support
; --------------------
; nvault_amxx_i386.so
; nvault_amxx.dll
; nvault_amxx_amd64.so

; ------------------------------------------------- ---------
; Counter-Strike - adds functions specific to Counter-Strike
; ------------------------------------------------- ---------

; ------------------------------------------------- ----
; CSX - adds functionality for CS statistics and events
; ------------------------------------------------- ----

can remove all the comments, but it significantly increases the load
server, so you should load only the modules that require
you have installed plugins. Typically modules are written in a cap

Now save the file. Next, open users.ini.
At the bottom, we will prescribe admins. There are several options. Locked in the name or IP.
For the name we will have the following line:
"admin4eg" "password" "access flag" "account flags"
For IP:
"" "password" "access flag" "account flags"

"And what is it ?!?!?"
kovychka first put the name or IP address. The second asks for a password
access to the server. Further, the flags appear credentials. In the past --
Flags access to the server.
List of flags of reference:

a - flag immunity. Man can not kiknut / banned / do slay / slap, etc.
b - The flag allows the connection to reserve slots.
c - The flag to the team amx_kick.
d - The flag of access to commands and amx_ban amx_unban.
e - The flag of access to commands and amx_slap amx_slay.
f - Flag dosutpa the team amx_map.
g - The flag of access to change settings via cvar amx_cvar. Please note, not all cvar variables.
h - Flag to amx_cfg.
i - Flag to amx_chat and other chat commands.
j - Flag to amx_vote and other vote commands.
k - access to change the flag variable cvar sv_password.
l - Flag amx_rcon access to and opportunities for change all cvar on the server.
u - menu access to the flag of amx.
z - The flag of the user. It gives no authority there.

Flags access to the server:
Several, but not all are used.
Quote: a - otlyuchat player if the password does not match.
d - This is the IP address.
e - password is not checked.

Two ways to make yourself immediately Admin:
1. Writing a line at the end of the file users.ini
"" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de"
we do? We wrote that upon arrival to the IP should be
the user maximum power, and the flags of the access to the server "de"
mean that the first parameter yavletsya IP and that the password is not required.

2. "g0su" "tawiii" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"
Now the User with the nickname "g0su" and password (registered through setinfo _pw) "tawiii" will be given maximum authority.

That's all.
plugins, etc. not yet tell. You may add later. You can
have to look to the plugins.ini and look there is a plugin for that
responsible. Perhaps what you somewhere and you do not. To disable,
enough to put "" in front of him.

Start the server.
In order to gain admin rights on the server, he needs to console his client to write setinfo _pw mypass.
And more! Afterwards!, Connect to the server.

4. Installing the Booster

Booster - mod for HL engine, lowering ping players.
Yes? Yes, not all so simple ... Is this reduction due to the fact that
booster makes your processor work. Ie processor increases
load, with reduced ping. Of course if you communicate with your server
very bad, then it does not help.

Just say, * nix
systems can not continue to read. You can use the built -
booster, which can be activated by adding the line run
parameter-pingbooster 2. Bad results? Try-pingbooster 3.

Owners win32 systems.
Download Booster 1.70.
Links until, as he did not take, as referenced in the original article bitaya

As with all modes, rasspakovyvaem it \ cstike \ addons \ booster. Prescribes the dll file in the plugins.ini, in your metamod.
booster'a moving vehicles cvar values, which in turn
prescribed in the server.cfg. Below is an example of my plants in the

Quote: / / Booster configuration:
booster_show_connmsg 1
booster_autofps 400
booster_minsleepms 5
booster_force_systicrate 0
booster_cpu_enabled 0
booster_cpu_spikemax 3
booster_cpu_spikelevel 75
booster_cpu_floor 50
booster_cpu_mminc 2
booster_cpu_quiettime 300
booster_cpu_mmmin 3
booster_cpu_mmmax 8
booster_lite_mode 3
booster_lite_extra_sleep_frequency 0

Please note. Booster increases the risk of falling server. If the server is in
you fall in this version, try to put Booster Lite.
Setting Booster v2.40 meaning probably not too many complaints on it
in our forum.
The rationale put booster is only on the "meat"
servers (10x10-12x12). If you have a CW server (5x5-6x6), then I
opinion, meaning it does not install.

5. Instructions for setting up "Half-life Fast HTTP Asset Downloading"

Connect with the download of additional resources (maps, skins, sounds and
etc.) directly from the game server (in this konekste with hlds), in
Half-Life supports the download of HTTP-server (ie
web server).

Downloading via HTTP has three important advantages:

Download additional resources does not influence the game
server, because transfer files ochuschestvlyaet separate Web server to
additional resources

2. Players will be injected
additional resources for the maximum possible speed for that
significantly speed up the process of downloading

3. Players who download the additional resources do not occupy a slot on the server

WHAT TO SEE The player connects to the server, with the additional resources
When a player connects to the server with the additional resources will be one of two things:

1.Esli server is not configured to download via HTTP, to use the normal method of downloading "trickle"

server is configured to download via HTTP, the player will see
Advanced upload dialog, and get much faster downloads.
While a download, the player is not connected to the gaming server. Once
download is completed, the player automatically peresoedinyaetsya to the server and
can play.

Configuring your server TO USE RAPID downloading via HTTP

1. Create a list of all the custom files (bsp, wav, mdl, etc.), Used on your server.

2.Vylozhite these files to a web server, keeping directory structure.

To display the banner players draw additional resources
put the figure as a GIF (340x56) in the path: / gfx / banner.gif

4.Ustanovite server variable sv_downloadurl in "http://yourserver/custom_content_directory/".


Your server uses a custom map "aim_overbright", which requires the following files:
C: \ Valve \ cstrike \ maps \ aim_overbright.map
C: \ Valve \ cstrike \ aim_overbright.wad
C: \ Valve \ cstrike \ sound \ ambience \ aim_overbright_a.wav
C: \ Valve \ cstrike \ sound \ ambience \ aim_overbright_b.wav
C: \ Valve \ cstrike \ sound \ ambience \ aim_overbright_c.wav

you have a place on the web server with the address:
http://extrimal-team.ucoz.ru/, you want to use for
Hosting your additional resources.
To do this,
upload files that are required for the card to your aim_overbright
Web server, create a directory cs16, maintaining the structure

Now you have the following files on your Web server:

Now install the server variable:
"sv_downloadurl" "http://extrimal-team.ucoz.ru/cs/"
players that connect to your server, automatically download the map
aim_overbright and required for the additional files from your
web server (of course, unless they do not already have this card and
the necessary files).


* The maximum length of variable values sv_downloadurl - 127 characters
It is possible to specify a username / password to access the web server in the
value of the variable - http://username:password @ extrimal-team.ucoz.ru /
(Note - the latest patch for IE can disable this functionality)
* If you connected the player has a file with the same name, this file will not be rewritten, download this file will be skipped.
* Some of the critical and / or dangerous files can not be downloaded (ie: *. exe, *. vbs, etc)

6. No-Won patch and lechilka Invalid CD-Key.

For linux hlds:

Citation: For
those servers to Linux, done normal patch (in Python) for the
the basis of his old nowon patch, which is the same, plus fixes
Some additional things:
Fixes in a LAN without the use of Steam (the so-called
patch) (needed for example if the user is simply not the Internet), and
also corrects the work of the latest versions of Cheating Death. I also
turned дурацкое message "NET_SendPacket ERROR:" which I have
often derive from the fact that the central server is unavailable Valve
from our local network.
Works for Libraries engine_XXX.so, including engine_amd64.so Version
beginning at least with version 16 (February 2005) up to the Linux Server Engine
version 29 (January 2006), and are likely to be working for
the following versions (as long as Valve again something not think that complicate
life of honest users).
Thank you very much for the Hand that made the most difficult part of the work (ie, find the specific location of controls) :-)
archive has a script steam_update, which updates automatically
a server via STEAM, there is a subtlety that the
updating a good idea to restore the original contents of files
engine_XXX.so, otherwise it will download them to a new one. But after the upgrade,
Naturally, he corrects them back (already the new version).
Operating within the scripts :-) (encoded 1251, that I really
encoded in their use Linux, and others suggest).

For win32 hlds:
This lechilka suited to the latest version at the moment, the server (the server version can be viewed by typing in the console version

7. List of commands AMX X
Quote: amx_kick [reason] Kiknut player from the server
amx_ban [reason] banned player from the server
amx_banid [reason] banned players on the server SteamID / WonID
amx_banip [reason] banned the player for IP
amx_unban Razbanit player
amx_slay Kill the player
amx_slap [power] kick player. Hedgehog proud bird is not yet pnesh not fly.
amx_leave [tag] [tag] [tag] post on the server only players with a certain "tag" in the name
amx_pause Set / Clear break
Display amx_who who at the server
amx_cvar [value] Change or display the value Cvar-s
amx_map Change map
amx_cfg Run configuration
amx_rcon Run command from the console server.
amx_plugins list of all loaded plugins
amx_modules Similarly, a list of all loaded modules
amx_say Send a message to all players
amx_chat send a message to admin
amx_psay Send private message
amx_tsay Send a message to all players (on the left in bold)
amx_csay same as above only in the center of the screen
amx_help Displays help
amx_votemap [map] [map] [map] the voting for the shift map
amx_votekick vote to kick start the player
amx_voteban the vote to ban a player
amx_vote Just because any type of vote Vasya mu №;% № 1. Yes 2. Yes of course
amx_cancelvote End last vote
say / hp Display information about your killer
say / statsme Display your stats
say / stats Display statistics for the remaining
say / top15 Displays the best 15 players
say / rank Display your location on the server.
say nextmap shows how the map will be the next
say timeleft How long before the end of the current map
say thetime Displays the current time
amxmodmenu Displays menu
amx_cvarmenu Displays menu cvars-s
amx_mapmenu Displays menu change maps
amx_votemapmenu Displays menu ballots to replace the card
amx_kickmenu Displays menu kikanya players
amx_banmenu Displays the menu for Bana players
amx_slapmenu Displays the slap / slay menu
amx_teammenu Displays menu select players
amx_clcmdmenu Displays client commands menu
amx_restmenu menu to set the restrictions on the use of weapons
amx_teleportmenu Displays menu teleportation
amx_pausecfgmenu Production and snatie to pause using the menu
amx_pausecfg [name] List of commands to manage pauses:
off - to suspend all plug-ins are not included in the list
on - to resume the work of all plug-ins
stop - stop the plugin
pause - pause plugin
enable - allow plug -
save - save the list of plugins stopped
clear - obnult list of plugins stopped
list [id] - List of plugins
add - check the plug as unpauseable
amx_statscfgmenu Display configuration menu Statistics
amx_statscfg [parameters] Displays help on the configuration of:
on - the option is available
off - the option is not available
save - save the configuration of
load - load the configuration of
list [id] - Display the status of
add - add the stat to the list
amx version Displays version of amx
amx modules Display Modules amx
amx plugins display plugins amx

Arturs897 respect

Arturs897Date: Svētdiena, 27.12.2009, 14:40 | Message # 2
Group: Dzēstās

ja Jums ši pamācības liekas pārāk nesaprotama - varu uzstaisīt ari saprotamāku smile
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